Yoga Pants

I do not do yoga. I tried a beginners yoga class once when I actually had a gym membership. I quit it very quickly after seeing the “new” girl on the mat next to me stand on her head. I may or may not have tried yoga on wii fit and also that did not last when the thing sat in my basement for a year before I finally sold it. That being said yoga pants some how have become the staple of my wardrobe. I don’t have any specific memory of buying my first pair or what made me even decide they were okay to buy but some how I did it. I hate to admit how pissed off I was when my favourite lulu lemon yoga pants ripped. I also hate to admit how happy I was to find a store that sold discounted lulu lemon pants and how many times I went back to that particular store. e9978b3466ae2ddbf6551768d9b4a689 I hate that this is how I dress. I am not one of those girls who look “pulled together” and if you don’t know what I mean by that then you are one of those girls. Some girls can just leave the house dressed liked they walked straight out of an old navy catalogue. Me on the other hand, I looked like I walked straight out of the clearance section of Campus Crew. What makes this so much worse is work is the serious lack of Campus Crew now a days.


The most embarrassing part of this fact is that I have no excuse for it. I am not busier then the average twenty five year old. As much as I would like to say it’s because I am a mom (I have seen multiple friends rant on facebook about yoga pants being the go to mom clothes) but that is not the case. I am just happy being comfortable I guess. I am not one of those girls who can throw together an outfit. I am not one of those girls who can do something other then straighten their hair. I am not one of those girls but damn sometimes I really want to be.