R.I.P Alan Rickman

Hey Guys,

I woke up yesterday just like every other morning. I shut off my alarm cursing under my breath. I am not a morning person so every morning requires a pep talk to force myself out of my warm comfortable bed to get up and get dressed before stepping outside into the cold air that is a delightful Canadian winter morning. I hate it so usually I end up staying in bed looking at Facebook for far too long. That is exactly what I was doing yesterday when I saw the news that Alan Rickman had passed away.

I was like so many others crushed. I have loved Alan Rickman since I first saw him in Dogma years ago. Since then I have grown to love him for his extremely diverse roles. Since hearing of his passing I have had heard everyone in my life family,friends, and co-workers all immediately think of their favorite Alan Rickman role. For one co-worker it was Alexander Dane, for another it was Colonel Brandon, for a friend it was Snape, for my husband it was Hans Gruber, for me it was Harry.

We are all mourning the loss of a great man. Even though we did not know Mr.Rickman we all mourn this loss. We mourn a great talent, we mourn what the characters he created, we mourn the happy memories he graced us with.

R.I.P Alan Rickman
